Random, fun facts about Jen
Whether you know me or not, I bet you didn't know these things about me.
- I just might be the best hula hooper you ever met.
- I'm a sucker for memoirs.
- I scratch my nose when I'm trying not to cry.
- I think you're never too old to enjoy the swings.
- I'm irrationally terrified of squirrels, pigeons and geese.
- I talk to my dog as if she was a person.
- I'm a little bit in love with JJ Grey.
- I think cheese and kielbasa are the two greatest foods ever created.
- I can relate practically every real-life situation to a Seinfeld episode.
- When I was little, I wanted to be a housekeeper when I grew up because it was the only profession I could think of that didn't require a college education. (At that age, the idea of moving out of my house and going away to school was unthinkable.)
- I don't understand people's infatuation with cars. I am completely uninterested.
- I think Anderson Cooper is dreamy.
- I prefer my trips, vacations and adventures to be completely spontaneous.
- I like to wear heels - no matter how much I tower over everyone.
- I don't like to be called Jennifer.
- When I smell fresh cut grass, I want to eat flavor ice and run through the sprinkler until my tongue is purple and my feet are green.
- I don't believe in New Year's resolutions, but I do believe in bucket lists.
- I want to have my very own peach and apple trees one day.