The anti-resolution

While everyone else is busy losing weight, quitting smoking, exercising more and eating healthier, I'm indulging in everything that makes me happy. Overall, 2009 was kind of a bummer, which means 2010 is destined to be fabulous. I celebrated the first day of the new year with carb-alicious macaroni and cheese pizza and savored every bite of tasty goodness.


Manda said…
oh my goodness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! where on earth did you get such an amazing pizza!?!??!?!!? MAC AND CHEESE PIZZA THAT SOUNDS HEAVENLY. wow well we have had a crappy 2009 and i'm thinking 2010 will be a happier year for all of us. i'm hoping for some positive changes this year. that mac and cheese pizza is definitely a good start to a positive change in the way pizza is created.
sarah said…
that photo is making me hungry. dammit.
Brittney said…
Mac and cheese PIZZA?!?! Why have I not heard of this? How sad for me LOL
macaroni and cheese pizza! what the blazes! sounds AMAZING!
Jen Woods said…
From the super delish zara restaurant in Arlington, MA ( As an added bonus, all of their food is organic and from local farmers.
katie said…
I love your music..the pizza looks pretty good too!!!
katie said…
I love your music..the pizza looks pretty good too!!!

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