I was barely able to squeeze my way onto the T this morning. I spent my entire 30-minute commute pressed up against the subway doors, standing uncomfortably close to a mob of people. I could feel someone's arm hair brush against my shoulder. Someone else's bag kept knocking into my hip. Another person kept inadvertently tickling my arm with the metro. With no grab bar within reach, it was a struggle to remain on two feet. Every time the T operator pressed on the gas or the breaks, I jerked forward and back. Luckily, we were so jam packed that everyone's body help support each other, preventing anyone from falling.
The ride was miserable. But, as I stood there surrounded by countless strangers, it got me thinking. I generally like being a part of a crowd of people (as long as an easy escape route is always within reach). When I'm in a big group of people I feel small. I feel like I'm a part of something that is so much bigger than me, and it helps puts things in perspective. I realize that so many decisions I may have been stressing over are really quite trivial in the grand scheme of things.