Music memories

It's an understatement to say that my taste in music is eclectic - it's all over the place. I can honestly say my playlists aren't limited to particular artists or genres.
Sometimes I like a song because of the mood it elicits, and sometimes I just really connect with the lyrics. Once I like a song, I listen to often. And if I hear a song enough, I start to associate it with a particular memory or time in my life.
There are some songs I would normally hate, but because of the memory that's linked to them, I absolutely love them. Other times, I might hate a song purely because it takes me back to an awful memory or time in my life.
For this entry, I'm only focusing on some of my favorite songs and their associated memories (in no particular order), as cheesey as some of them may be.
Dude looks like a lady (Aerosmith). Every time I hear this song, I practically laugh out loud. When I was in middle school, I went on a summer vacation to Martha's Vineyard with my BFF Rach. One day, we were at the beach, and I was listening to Aerosmith on my sister's yellow, Tweety Bird walkman. To top it off, I was wearing my dad's enormous studio headphones that were way too big for my tiny head. At the time, Aerosmith was my favorite band, and when "Dude Looks Like a Lady" came on, I started singing out loud. I knew I looked ridiculous, and I didn't care that the couple next to us were cracking up. Now, every time this song comes on, this memory plays vividly in my mind, and it makes me reminisce about one of my favorite family vacations.
We Dance Alone (Beck). One of the first albums I bought when I moved to California was The Information. We Dance Alone makes me think about running through the small side streets of Pasadena, taking in the vibrant flowers and foliage that bloomed year round.
My Heart Will go on (Celine Dion). Another funny memory from a very long time ago. My first slow dance with a huge crush. At the time, it was the highlight of my freshman year. After the prom, I played the song over and over again, recreating the dance in my mind. Now, when I hear it, it makes me laugh. It's really amazing how some inconsequential events can seem so monumental when you're younger.
The entire Pulp Fiction album. I think that I, along with maybe three or four other people, might hold the record for listening to this album the most number of times. When I hear this, I think Keystone Light (yuck), beer pong and goofing around with great friends.
Strangers in the Night (Frank Sinatra). My grandfather loves Frank Sinatra. When Sinatra is playing in the background, he does "the old-man shuffle" (much like Bill Cosby). Wearing his old suede slippers, he sings along to the music as he points and smiles at everyone.
You are so beautiful (Joe Cocker). Unconditional, uninhibited love is all I have to say about this song.
Lochloosa (Mofro). Although this song is about a small country town in Florida, it reminds me of Hollywood - where I saw my first Mofro concert. One of my favorite songs, I've come to associate it with warm summer nights, sandy beaches, palm trees and strawberry-banana smoothies.
Skating (Vince Guaraldi). Obviously, this song reminds me of Christmas. But, after spending my first Christmas away from family, it's even more sentimental to me. It makes me think about decorating our tree with all the old, homemade ornaments from our childhood. It also reminds me of other family traditions - like reading the Polar Express and watching Rudolph on Christmas Eve.