She's back!
It's been a while. I know. I need to get crack-a-lackin. While I try to get back into the swing of things, here are some highlights of the last few months. (Food is clearly a high priority in my life.) More to come soon...
I finally made it to Chez Henri for their famous Cuban sandwich and mojito. I went on a cold, rainy day, when I needed to believe spring was on its way. It was perfection.
My first St. Patty's parade in Southie. (I know; it's pretty embarrassing considering how long I've lived here.)
Beers at Bleacher Bar before the Dropkick Murphy's show. So. much. fun.
Green man! Getting ready to run the Davis 5K. (I have no shame.)
Supermoon in Salem. This picture is misleading - the moon was absolutely enormous.
A delicious brunch at Community Table after a long run. I wish every day started like this.
More delicious food? Of course! Finale in Coolidge Corner offers all kinds of dessert tastings. This one was tea-infused cocktails and sweet treats.
Dim sum is another first for me. The drink menu at Empire Garden in Chinatown offers so much promise. I had a hard time deciding between the suffering bastard ("turn your big troubles into little ones") and the zombie (two will knock you down).
Oh, how I love restaurant week. This crab cake from Harvest was one of the best things I have ever eaten.
This winter was one of the worst I've ever experienced - never-ending snowstorms, slippery sidewalks, bone-chilling winds. But for one night, we all pretended it was summer. It's surprising how how much happiness sun dresses, flip flops and Coronas can bring.
Ice skating at Frog Pond! This was yet another first for me. Now I can officially cross it off my bucket list.
Stay tuned, people. My sabbatical is over.

Stay tuned, people. My sabbatical is over.