Last weekend, I FINALLY went to the new House of Blues Boston and crossed #2 off my list. Some friends came up to see the Irish rock band the Saw Doctors, and although it's not normally my type of music, the show was awesome.
Because I love lists, here's a recap of a most amazing night with some of the best people I know.
- Burgers and beer in the sunshine.
- Faux denim leggings. (I refuse to call them jeggings.)
- Blueberry and habanero beers (both kind of gross, but worth trying, I guess).
- Drunken singing and jigging with strangers.
- Seven rings of Guinness.
- Hilarious entertainment from excited-drunk-boy on the second floor.
- Late-night sausage. (That's what she said.)
- Bowling a solid 74 (and I didn't even come in last place).
- Dancing the rest of the night away.
- Calf raises (yum).