I know, I haven't been keeping up with my blog like I said I would, but I was busy with all sorts of festive activities. Here are the highlights from the remaining 12 days before Christmas.
- Day 6: This was an over-the-top pre-Christmas celebration in the city with the family. It was so ridiculously cold outside that we spent the afternoon curled up in front of the fire drinking wine and watching one of those painfully cheeseball holiday movies (which was secretly delightful). Later, we bundled up and went out for a delicious dinner at Figs, where we drank more wine and shared all of our entrees. We ended our meal with peppermint lattes and headed to the Boston Opera House, to watch the Nutcracker. Not only did we have incredible seats, but I also crossed off #13 on my to-do list.
- Day 7: One Sunday, I woke up (rather early, thanks to my ambitious neighbor who whips out the snow blower at 7am) to find nearly a foot of snow outside. We made our way downtown for some last-minute Christmas shopping and a brunch filled with tasty goodness (smoked salmon, bacon and egg pizza and crepes stuffed with caramelized bananas and whipped cream..mmm).
- Day 8: Candy canes, hot chocolate and lots of Christmas music.
- Day 10: After a long day of traveling through slushy snow and riding the bus, subway, another bus and truck, I finally arrived home. Once again, we curled up by the fire with wine and watched Christmas movies. (This time they were classics though.)
- Day 11: I think I'm the only one who enjoys decorating the tree, but eventually everyone gathered around to help put on our hodgepodge of homemade ornaments.
- Day 12: On Christmas Eve, we visited extended family, where we laughed and overindulged in food and drinks.
And the celebration continues...Happy New Year!