Ready for change
As you know, I started working in the office last week. It's just one small change that marks the beginning of a new and exciting chapter in my life, and I'm ready. I decided to make a list of things I want to accomplish/change – starting right now.
Cook more. I like good, healthy food, but I'm pretty lazy when it comes to cooking. Even though my TV is virtually locked on the Food Network, I rarely spend more than 15 minutes in the kitchen preparing a meal. Armed with two new cookbooks and a basil plant, I aim to change that.
Take the GREs. This is a big goal for me. I don't usually do well on standardized tests, and I'm kind of terrified of the GREs. I have all the study materials I need. Now, all I have to do is get focused, stay motivated and finally take them.
Participate in a road race. This one has been on my list for a while, and I'm ready to finally cross it off. I'm gradually starting to accept the fact that I'm horribly slow, and I'll never be a great runner. I just want to do it for the sake of doing it. Plus, once I register, I'll be forced to get into shape and push myself to the limit. Even if I'm in the back of the pack, I think I'd be happy just to cross the finish line.
Write more blogs. Initially, I planned on writing a new blog every weekday. So far, I've been struggling to write one a week. While I really enjoy writing, it's been hard to find the time the last few weeks. Now that I have the Internet in my apartment, I plan on posting more often.
Be less logical. Being logical has its benefits, but sometimes I let my logical side prevent me from doing/getting what I want. I tend to focus on making the "right" decision, when I should really try to figure out what's best for me. I've decided I need to let myself think more from my heart than my brain.
Work less. Over the last year or so, I've let myself become a bit of a work-aholic. Working from home blurred the line between work and home. But since I've been in the office, I still find myself working extra hours and answering e-mails from my home computer. Not anymore. This morning I decided to make some boundaries. Once I leave the office, I will leave all my work behind. Today I punched out at exactly 5:30 p.m.
Get a passport. I am going to get my very first passport this least that's my goal. I know, it's hard to believe that a 25-year-old wouldn't have a passport by now, but I'm ready to change that. I haven't gone on a real vacation in very long time, and I want my next trip to be memorable. I want to visit somewhere new and very different from home. I'm not exactly sure where I want to go, but I do know it will require a passport.
Wow, this list is pretty ambitious. Even if I don't accomplish them right away, at least I've finally gotten them down on paper.