Big-day Monday

This morning I bought my very first CharlieCard T-pass and quickly found my place in the middle of a crowded subway car.
To my left, a middle-aged man tried to catch a few extra minutes of sleep in between stops. To my right, a skinny twenty-something stared blankly at the daily Metro. Most people looked tired, grumpy and even a little disheveled - all symptoms pointing to a serious case of the Mondays.
Normally, I would fit right in, but not today. Even though I was on my way to work, about to start what will undoubtedly be a long and grueling week, I was rather excited. Today was my first day working in the office in almost a year and a half. That's right, I'm actually happy to no longer be working from home.
I know, you must think I'm crazy. Doesn't everyone wish they could work from home? Yes, it does have some pretty nice perks. You get to make your own hours and work in pajamas. You can go to the gym in the middle of the day. You can sleep in when you're tired, and no one cares if you don't do your hair and makeup.
But you miss out on a lot of the good stuff. After a hard day at work, you can't go out with your coworkers for a drink to unwind. For some reason, a virtual hug or :) smiley face just doesn't have the same affect.
The main reason I don't want to fill out another 1099 tax form though is that there's no separation of work and home. When your home computer is also your work computer, two worlds collide, making it difficult to achieve a healthy balance.
So, as I stood on the T this morning, crammed against strangers, struggling not to fall over and spill my coffee on someone, I remembered what it felt like to be a part of this bustling, fast-paced city – and it feels good.