one bites the dust. This year's girls-only vacation came at the perfect time. It was one glorious week full of sunshine, relaxation, tasty food and creative cocktails. Here are some of the highlights:
- 3 lobster paninis and 2 tall bloody Marys
- 2 pounds of homemade fudge (That's right. Two pounds.)
- 61 degrees of chilly perfection
- 8 servings of gelato
- 1 failed french fry prank
- 2 accidental lockouts
- 1 box of not-so-good, yet still-drinkable wine
- 9 raw oysters, 6 raw clams and one dozen steamers
- 2 espresso martinis
- 1 disappointing attempt to fly a poorly designed kite (which may have been successful if it cost more than $5, and we didn't have to assemble it ourselves)
- 2 trips to Race Point Beach (1 seal sighting, but 0 sharks spotted)
- 1 amazing impersonation caught on video (even better than last year's Martha Stuart impression.)
- 1 late library book
- 1 spectacular sunset
- Lots and lots of laughing