I hope there is a doggy heaven because no dog is more deserving than Zoe. Our little fatty was part of the family, and we will miss her every day.

I like to imagine her still enjoying her lazy mornings, sunbathing and showing off her big belly.

And when she's not lounging around, she's feasting on peanut butter, ice cream and of course edamame.

Her afternoons are spent running around with her silly dog (and maybe even sheep) friends.

Here, every day is Christmas, and she has endless presents to tear open, all of them squishy and squeaky (her favorite).

Her evenings are spent curled up by the fireplace watching movies (although sometimes she forgets that the TV isn't real).

She's able to relax in peace, since there are no thunderstorms, golfers or wii.

And of course she has a warm, cozy bed where she can snuggle.