
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd make a list of the things I'm thankful for this year. Better late than never, I guess.
  • My loud, silly and caring family that's always honest and supportive
  • Great friends who never let me down
  • That I'm healthy and able to participate in the things I enjoy
  • That I'm living closer to the people I care about most
  • That I was able to take time off and enjoy my first Thanksgiving in FOR-EV-ER
  • That the holiday season has finally arrived.
  • And of course, pumpkin pie!
Did you know that people who regularly write down the things they appreciate are more likely to lead happier, healthier lives? So what are you thankful for?


Anonymous said…
Hey Jen-I have many things to be thankful for espeically our fun and loving family. We should all take time out of our busy days and reflect upon our lives and to cherish the moments we have on this planet.
Manda said…
alright woodington this is it i'm getting annoyed. when are the new blogs coming in? i've been waiting for weeks for another blog entry of yours and it's still not here. i can't wait for the next one love you.

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