I know it's been a while since my last entry, but I've been a very busy lady lately - and this weekend was no exception. It was filled with so much fun that I really could have used an extra day off just to rest. During my fabulous two days off, I found out that:
- Moo is "sassy," very similar to her dad and a really good swimmer.
- Loaded coronas are quite fantastic.
- Watermelon + tequila + blender = not a good idea (even after the third try).
- Ice cream cake is the perfect 4 a.m. snack before bed.
- Apparently, I can't lift 170 pounds right up over my head.
- Fresh melon and prosciutto might beat grilled pineapple in the race for ultimate summer food.
- We really need to invest in a karaoke machine before festivus.
- I am in desperate need of a tan.
- The Life and Times of Thunderbolt Kid has made my list of favorite books.
- Rachel is one of the few people I can sleep nose-to-nose with.
- Zoe is more interested in TV than her human companions.
- Jeremy is well read...very well read. That's right. I was just as shocked as you.
- The summer is almost over, and I still have a lot of things on my bucket list.